Hier habe ich eine kleine Sammlung lesenswerter Literatur für SIE zusammengestellt:
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Polyplay von Marcus Hammerschmitt
Was wenn 1989 die DDR die BRD übernommen hätte, anstatt andersherum? Spannender Alternativweltroman, mit jede Menge Feinkost für die Tekkies unter uns.

by Bruce Sterling
A must for everybody who wants to know more about the "consensus narrative"
Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
The ultimate Cyberpunk novel
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Rebel Code: Linux and the Open Source... by Glyn Moody
If you want to know what is Open source all about
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The Cathedral and the Bazaar by Eric S. Raymond
If you are into open source, read it!
Shockwave Rider by John Brunner
It´s from 1975, "Cyberpunk" just didn´t exist, but this book was already more cyberpunk than a lot of literature nowadays
Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson
To read this book you need a good electronic calculator and the eager to have a lot of fun
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Zodiac : The Eco-Thriller by Neal Stephenson
Not cyber but genetics and a real "Neal Stephenson"
If you got anything to do with project management or humanware, read this book.


The Deadline
You got anything to do with project management or humanware, you will need that reading
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The Hacker Crackdown by Bruce Sterling
Interesting chronological break down of what can happen to you if you hack or your are supposed to hack
Understanding Media by Marshall McLuhan
well if you want to talk about media theory, you just have to know that one. That´s where it all started, sort of.
The Medium Is the Massage by Marshall McLuhan
Need something relaxing. Well the medium is not only the message, but can be the massage too.
Neuromancer by William Gibson
You just  have to know that one.
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The Hacker Ethic : A Radical Approach to... by Pekka Himanen

9-11 by Noam Chomsky cover
You are looking for something else, just go for it:
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