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Articles in Books and Journals:

Diedrichsen, Diedrich 1993: Medien? Theorie?. In: Agentur Bilwet 1993: Medienarchiv . Bensheim, Düsseldorf: Bollmann

Dillinger, Maarten 1988: Grundlagen eines fünfdimensionalen Weltbildes. in: 1989: Vom Wesen der Anarchie & vom Verwesen verschiedener Wirklichkeiten. Berlin: Karin Kramer Verlag

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Heim, Michael 1995: The Design of Virtual Reality. In: Featherstone, Mike; Burrows, Roger (Eds.) 1995: Cyberspace/ Cyberbodies/Cyberpunk: Cultures of Technological Embodiment. London: Sage

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It has to be taken into account that WWW-Sources are not very stable. Addresses often change or disappear at all. The page-numbers given in the body of the text can only be approximate, as they can vary with different print-formats.

Speed and Information: Cyberspace Alarm!.: Virilio, Paul 11.08.95: WWW:

Cyberpunk Cinderella: Shields, Rob

Cyberwar, God and Television: Interview with Paul Virilio; Louise Wilson for CTHEORY, 21.10.1994. WWW:

Die Informationsbombe: Paul Virilio und Friedrich Kittler im Gespraech, Nov 1995. WWW:

The Silence of the Lambs: Paul Virilio in Conversation, by Carlos Oliviera. WWW: