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3. Heterotopias: No End, No Conclusion, No Criticism

Dreams and NightmaresYou may have not heard of mediatheory a lot before and may still ask, why mediatheory at all? Mediatheory according to my point of view is a all about deconstructing media. It is therefore fatal for the media and as media are getting more and more important every day, to understand their specific methods of functioning is crucial. Mediatheory is far from being uncritical of media or just a worship of technology. Radical mediatheory as theory about everything destroys the domination of media. But radical mediatheory as a theory about everything has to deal with the same problems as other absolute theories. Mediatheory as a closed system rejects criticism from outside, as this can only work in form of media. Therefore it is always in danger of loosing its specific subject and this way mediatheory may looses its specific power as an analyical instrument.

After Lyotard truth is never more than something processual anyway. So why wasting time with criticizing, where criticism is quite impossible? Mediatheory as ambulante Wissenschaft (nomadic/itinerant science) travels on anyway and escapes therefore the destroying elements of criticism.

I prefer therefore to show a direction where to go from here, some more theory-fields that open up and want to be explored with the ambulante Wissenschaft . So far I excluded all questions concerning political or ethical implications, but of course you cannot. Without going into a deep discussion here, I just want to note, that you find rarely a subject with such controversial connotations, as the field of new media. From the free, anarchistic society that will finally decipher the essence of being to a hyper-fascistic, hyper-capitalistic virtual society,which even found a way to sell the air to breath, everything can be found in the vast field of mediatheory. "Michel Foucault's biopolitics is a flaccid premonition of cyborg politics, a very open field." (Haraway 1991: 150) The field of politics opens up while understanding the implications, that occur within the information revolution. Is the information revolution a political revolution, or is it the end of politics?

Not only a final criticism or conclusion is impossible, but also an end, as the linearity of history is dissolved and this text only works as a mediatext in the hypermedium of the World Wide Web. So instead of waiting for an end, why not join the ongoing discussion in form of writing a COMMENT ?


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